A challenge many companies face is a lack of consistent messaging about their products and the value those products deliver. To remedy this, organizations typically develop a Product Messaging Framework, often with the sole intent to improve external communication. But that’s limiting a valuable asset.
Your messaging framework isn’t just an arrangement of compelling words and phrases; it should reflect your company’s vision and the unique value your portfolio of products delivers to your market. It should also serve as a single source of messaging truth for everyone in your organization.
Here are ways to expand the value of your messaging framework throughout your company:
Recruiting: How well can your HR team articulate your value proposition when they are recruiting? Provide them with the narrative to help them attract the best-fit candidates who will want to be part of your company’s – and your customers’ - journey.
Product Management and Engineering: Product marketers will consult product and engineering teams to distill the unique features and benefits of their company’s products. But sometimes product marketers forget to share the final messaging framework with them. Show the builders of your product how you are communicating those benefits. Work with them to ensure your key message points align with your company’s product roadmap and the long-term value you deliver. Your product portfolio is your value proposition in action.
Sales & Sales Training: A challenge I hear all too often is “salespeople make up their own value propositions and messaging.” Align early and often with your sales team on your messaging framework – they are key stakeholders! Dig into their perspective of the market and their experience in the field. Learn the common objections they face. Then explain how your messaging framework will be developed and how you will implement it to help them succeed. This is one of the best ways to avoid fragmented market messaging.
Customer Support & Success: As they onboard, train and support customers, this team can ensure that customers fully understand – and reap the benefits of – the full value of your product portfolio. Empower them talk more about benefits and value rather than product features. Value-based messaging aids customer retention.
Agencies and partners: Your PR firm, ad and social media agencies, website or graphic design firms, and other companies that augment or support your marketing efforts will appreciate your messaging framework. It provides a foundation, streamlines work, and ensures on-target, consistent messaging across all channels.
And everyone else: Every employee in your organization should understand your target customers, their challenges, and how your products and services deliver results. Your messaging framework is the tool to help them gain the knowledge and confidence to articulate that.